Dubins–Spanier theorems

Measure theory theorems

The Dubins–Spanier theorems are several theorems in the theory of fair cake-cutting. They were published by Lester Dubins and Edwin Spanier in 1961.[1] Although the original motivation for these theorems is fair division, they are in fact general theorems in measure theory.


There is a set U {\displaystyle U} , and a set U {\displaystyle \mathbb {U} } which is a sigma-algebra of subsets of U {\displaystyle U} .

There are n {\displaystyle n} partners. Every partner i {\displaystyle i} has a personal value measure V i : U R {\displaystyle V_{i}:\mathbb {U} \to \mathbb {R} } . This function determines how much each subset of U {\displaystyle U} is worth to that partner.

Let X {\displaystyle X} a partition of U {\displaystyle U} to k {\displaystyle k} measurable sets: U = X 1 X k {\displaystyle U=X_{1}\sqcup \cdots \sqcup X_{k}} . Define the matrix M X {\displaystyle M_{X}} as the following n × k {\displaystyle n\times k} matrix:

M X [ i , j ] = V i ( X j ) {\displaystyle M_{X}[i,j]=V_{i}(X_{j})}

This matrix contains the valuations of all players to all pieces of the partition.

Let M {\displaystyle \mathbb {M} } be the collection of all such matrices (for the same value measures, the same k {\displaystyle k} , and different partitions):

M = { M X X  is a  k -partition of  U } {\displaystyle \mathbb {M} =\{M_{X}\mid X{\text{ is a }}k{\text{-partition of }}U\}}

The Dubins–Spanier theorems deal with the topological properties of M {\displaystyle \mathbb {M} } .


If all value measures V i {\displaystyle V_{i}} are countably-additive and nonatomic, then:

  • M {\displaystyle \mathbb {M} } is a compact set;
  • M {\displaystyle \mathbb {M} } is a convex set.

This was already proved by Dvoretzky, Wald, and Wolfowitz.[2]


Consensus partition

A cake partition X {\displaystyle X} to k pieces is called a consensus partition with weights w 1 , w 2 , , w k {\displaystyle w_{1},w_{2},\ldots ,w_{k}} (also called exact division) if:

i { 1 , , n } : j { 1 , , k } : V i ( X j ) = w j {\displaystyle \forall i\in \{1,\dots ,n\}:\forall j\in \{1,\dots ,k\}:V_{i}(X_{j})=w_{j}}

I.e, there is a consensus among all partners that the value of piece j is exactly w j {\displaystyle w_{j}} .

Suppose, from now on, that w 1 , w 2 , , w k {\displaystyle w_{1},w_{2},\ldots ,w_{k}} are weights whose sum is 1:

j = 1 k w j = 1 {\displaystyle \sum _{j=1}^{k}w_{j}=1}

and the value measures are normalized such that each partner values the entire cake as exactly 1:

i { 1 , , n } : V i ( U ) = 1 {\displaystyle \forall i\in \{1,\dots ,n\}:V_{i}(U)=1}

The convexity part of the DS theorem implies that:[1]: 5 

If all value measures are countably-additive and nonatomic,
then a consensus partition exists.

PROOF: For every j { 1 , , k } {\displaystyle j\in \{1,\dots ,k\}} , define a partition X j {\displaystyle X^{j}} as follows:

X j j = U {\displaystyle X_{j}^{j}=U}
r j : X r j = {\displaystyle \forall r\neq j:X_{r}^{j}=\emptyset }

In the partition X j {\displaystyle X^{j}} , all partners value the j {\displaystyle j} -th piece as 1 and all other pieces as 0. Hence, in the matrix M X j {\displaystyle M_{X^{j}}} , there are ones on the j {\displaystyle j} -th column and zeros everywhere else.

By convexity, there is a partition X {\displaystyle X} such that:

M X = j = 1 k w j M X j {\displaystyle M_{X}=\sum _{j=1}^{k}w_{j}\cdot M_{X^{j}}}

In that matrix, the j {\displaystyle j} -th column contains only the value w j {\displaystyle w_{j}} . This means that, in the partition X {\displaystyle X} , all partners value the j {\displaystyle j} -th piece as exactly w j {\displaystyle w_{j}} .

Note: this corollary confirms a previous assertion by Hugo Steinhaus. It also gives an affirmative answer to the problem of the Nile provided that there are only a finite number of flood heights.

Super-proportional division

A cake partition X {\displaystyle X} to n pieces (one piece per partner) is called a super-proportional division with weights w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w n {\displaystyle w_{1},w_{2},...,w_{n}} if:

i 1 n : V i ( X i ) > w i {\displaystyle \forall i\in 1\dots n:V_{i}(X_{i})>w_{i}}

I.e, the piece allotted to partner i {\displaystyle i} is strictly more valuable for him than what he deserves. The following statement is Dubins-Spanier Theorem on the existence of super-proportional division : 6 

Theorem — With these notations, let w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w n {\displaystyle w_{1},w_{2},...,w_{n}} be weights whose sum is 1, assume that the point w := ( w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w n ) {\displaystyle w:=(w_{1},w_{2},...,w_{n})} is an interior point of the (n-1)-dimensional simplex with coordinates pairwise different, and assume that the value measures V 1 , . . . , V n {\displaystyle V_{1},...,V_{n}} are normalized such that each partner values the entire cake as exactly 1 (i.e. they are non-atomic probability measures). If at least two of the measures V i , V j {\displaystyle V_{i},V_{j}} are not equal ( V i V j {\displaystyle V_{i}\neq V_{j}} ), then super-proportional divisions exist.

The hypothesis that the value measures V 1 , . . . , V n {\displaystyle V_{1},...,V_{n}} are not identical is necessary. Otherwise, the sum i = 1 n V i ( X i ) = i = 1 n V 1 ( X i ) > i = 1 n w i = 1 {\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^{n}V_{i}(X_{i})=\sum _{i=1}^{n}V_{1}(X_{i})>\sum _{i=1}^{n}w_{i}=1} leads to a contradiction.

Namely, if all value measures are countably-additive and non-atomic, and if there are two partners i , j {\displaystyle i,j} such that V i V j {\displaystyle V_{i}\neq V_{j}} , then a super-proportional division exists.I.e, the necessary condition is also sufficient.

Sketch of Proof

Suppose w.l.o.g. that V 1 V 2 {\displaystyle V_{1}\neq V_{2}} . Then there is some piece of the cake, Z U {\displaystyle Z\subseteq U} , such that V 1 ( Z ) > V 2 ( Z ) {\displaystyle V_{1}(Z)>V_{2}(Z)} . Let Z ¯ {\displaystyle {\overline {Z}}} be the complement of Z {\displaystyle Z} ; then V 2 ( Z ¯ ) > V 1 ( Z ¯ ) {\displaystyle V_{2}({\overline {Z}})>V_{1}({\overline {Z}})} . This means that V 1 ( Z ) + V 2 ( Z ¯ ) > 1 {\displaystyle V_{1}(Z)+V_{2}({\overline {Z}})>1} . However, w 1 + w 2 1 {\displaystyle w_{1}+w_{2}\leq 1} . Hence, either V 1 ( Z ) > w 1 {\displaystyle V_{1}(Z)>w_{1}} or V 2 ( Z ¯ ) > w 2 {\displaystyle V_{2}({\overline {Z}})>w_{2}} . Suppose w.l.o.g. that V 1 ( Z ) > V 2 ( Z ) {\displaystyle V_{1}(Z)>V_{2}(Z)} and V 1 ( Z ) > w 1 {\displaystyle V_{1}(Z)>w_{1}} are true.

Define the following partitions:

  • X 1 {\displaystyle X^{1}} : the partition that gives Z {\displaystyle Z} to partner 1, Z ¯ {\displaystyle {\overline {Z}}} to partner 2, and nothing to all others.
  • X i {\displaystyle X^{i}} (for i 2 {\displaystyle i\geq 2} ): the partition that gives the entire cake to partner i {\displaystyle i} and nothing to all others.

Here, we are interested only in the diagonals of the matrices M X j {\displaystyle M_{X^{j}}} , which represent the valuations of the partners to their own pieces:

  • In diag ( M X 1 ) {\displaystyle {\textrm {diag}}(M_{X^{1}})} , entry 1 is V 1 ( Z ) {\displaystyle V_{1}(Z)} , entry 2 is V 2 ( Z ¯ ) {\displaystyle V_{2}({\overline {Z}})} , and the other entries are 0.
  • In diag ( M X i ) {\displaystyle {\textrm {diag}}(M_{X^{i}})} (for i 2 {\displaystyle i\geq 2} ), entry i {\displaystyle i} is 1 and the other entires are 0.

By convexity, for every set of weights z 1 , z 2 , . . . , z n {\displaystyle z_{1},z_{2},...,z_{n}} there is a partition X {\displaystyle X} such that:

M X = j = 1 n z j M X j . {\displaystyle M_{X}=\sum _{j=1}^{n}{z_{j}\cdot M_{X^{j}}}.}

It is possible to select the weights z i {\displaystyle z_{i}} such that, in the diagonal of M X {\displaystyle M_{X}} , the entries are in the same ratios as the weights w i {\displaystyle w_{i}} . Since we assumed that V 1 ( Z ) > w 1 {\displaystyle V_{1}(Z)>w_{1}} , it is possible to prove that i 1 n : V i ( X i ) > w i {\displaystyle \forall i\in 1\dots n:V_{i}(X_{i})>w_{i}} , so X {\displaystyle X} is a super-proportional division.

Utilitarian-optimal division

A cake partition X {\displaystyle X} to n pieces (one piece per partner) is called utilitarian-optimal if it maximizes the sum of values. I.e, it maximizes:

i = 1 n V i ( X i ) {\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^{n}{V_{i}(X_{i})}}

Utilitarian-optimal divisions do not always exist. For example, suppose U {\displaystyle U} is the set of positive integers. There are two partners. Both value the entire set U {\displaystyle U} as 1. Partner 1 assigns a positive value to every integer and partner 2 assigns zero value to every finite subset. From a utilitarian point of view, it is best to give partner 1 a large finite subset and give the remainder to partner 2. When the set given to partner 1 becomes larger and larger, the sum-of-values becomes closer and closer to 2, but it never approaches 2. So there is no utilitarian-optimal division.

The problem with the above example is that the value measure of partner 2 is finitely-additive but not countably-additive.

The compactness part of the DS theorem immediately implies that:[1]: 7 

If all value measures are countably-additive and nonatomic,
then a utilitarian-optimal division exists.

In this special case, non-atomicity is not required: if all value measures are countably-additive, then a utilitarian-optimal partition exists.[1]: 7 

Leximin-optimal division

A cake partition X {\displaystyle X} to n pieces (one piece per partner) is called leximin-optimal with weights w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w n {\displaystyle w_{1},w_{2},...,w_{n}} if it maximizes the lexicographically-ordered vector of relative values. I.e, it maximizes the following vector:

V 1 ( X 1 ) w 1 , V 2 ( X 2 ) w 2 , , V n ( X n ) w n {\displaystyle {V_{1}(X_{1}) \over w_{1}},{V_{2}(X_{2}) \over w_{2}},\dots ,{V_{n}(X_{n}) \over w_{n}}}

where the partners are indexed such that:

V 1 ( X 1 ) w 1 V 2 ( X 2 ) w 2 V n ( X n ) w n {\displaystyle {V_{1}(X_{1}) \over w_{1}}\leq {V_{2}(X_{2}) \over w_{2}}\leq \dots \leq {V_{n}(X_{n}) \over w_{n}}}

A leximin-optimal partition maximizes the value of the poorest partner (relative to his weight); subject to that, it maximizes the value of the next-poorest partner (relative to his weight); etc.

The compactness part of the DS theorem immediately implies that:[1]: 8 

If all value measures are countably-additive and nonatomic,
then a leximin-optimal division exists.

Further developments

  • The leximin-optimality criterion, introduced by Dubins and Spanier, has been studied extensively later. In particular, in the problem of cake-cutting, it was studied by Marco Dall'Aglio.[3]

See also

  • Lyapunov vector-measure theorem[4]
  • Weller's theorem


  1. ^ a b c d e Dubins, Lester Eli; Spanier, Edwin Henry (1961). "How to Cut a Cake Fairly". The American Mathematical Monthly. 68 (1): 1–17. doi:10.2307/2311357. JSTOR 2311357.
  2. ^ Dvoretzky, A.; Wald, A.; Wolfowitz, J. (1951). "Relations among certain ranges of vector measures". Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 1: 59–74. doi:10.2140/pjm.1951.1.59.
  3. ^ Dall'Aglio, Marco (2001). "The Dubins–Spanier optimization problem in fair division theory". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 130 (1–2): 17–40. Bibcode:2001JCoAM.130...17D. doi:10.1016/S0377-0427(99)00393-3.
  4. ^ Neyman, J (1946). "Un théorèm dʼexistence". C. R. Acad. Sci. 222: 843–845.